Procedures regarding the Customs Presentation of Vehicles (DAV’s)
Taxes Payment Procedures (ISV / IVA)
Initial Registrations
Transfer of Ownership
Special Vehicles, namely for Disabled People, Institutions, Fire Vehicles, Ambulances, Taxis, etc.
Alteration of Characteristics
Dispatch and Export of Vehicles
Cancellation of Plates
ISV Reimbursement
We have a Clearance Guarantee that we may place at disposal, in order to guarantee the Vehicle Tax (ISV).
Being electronically connected through SFA2 (Fiscal Automotive System) to AT – Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (General Board of Customs) and to other official entities, namely IMT – Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes (Institute of Mobility and of Transport) and Conservatórias de Registo Automóvel (Vehicles Registration Offices), allows us to speed up the legalization process.